Thursday 18 April 2013

What I have learnt. Independent vs Mainstream

What I have learnt

In today's lesson I have learnt that Independent Vs Mainstream have a wide range of differences and only view similarities. Such as for independent 'films' - they are referred to as 'films' because they are seen as a work of art. This meaning that the director wants to reflect - it is much more personal that to what a mainstream movie is. Also a Mainstream 'movie' is referred to as a 'movie' because a movie is seen as escapism entertainment and is not seen as something serious.

Similarities between mainstream 'movies' such as Skyfall - and independent 'films' such as One Mile Away is that they both have local appeal. This meaning that because Skyfall is mainly based in London and the main actor is British himself - this has local appeal to the audiences within London and the UK. Also the same for One Mile Away - which is based in Birmingham. This has local appeal because the 'film' centres around gang violence within Birmingham which can have appeal to those in Birmingham. Another similarity is Viral Marketing. This is because for Skyfall there was a immense promotion globally - on the internet, television, billboards etc. Also for One Mile Away - social sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

Monday 15 April 2013

Exhibition Research

Have you ever been to an independent cinema? If yes - how was it different? If no - why not? 

No I have not been to a independent cinema. To be honest I was unaware that independent cinemas even existed! I am not aware of independent films because they are not advertised enough and therefore I am not aware that there are independent cinemas where independent films are shown. 

What is more appealing about viewing at the cinema than viewing on DVD/online/TV?

Viewing in the cinema rather than viewing on DVD/online/TV is more appealing because a cinema is a social public area. Also the atmosphere is fun and lively which makes it more enjoyable for those who come to watch. Watching films on DVD can be enjoyable however it does not give you the tension or excitement- which is the same with TV. People enjoy sitting in a cinema which you can have the advantage of big screens and surround sound. 

Why has there been a recent trend in Hollywood 're-making' a lot of films?

There has been a recent trend in Hollywood 're-making' a lot of films - this is because people in Hollywood are finding it harder to be original and to come up with different ideas. Also they feel if they re-make a film they feel it will gain more interest because they can improve it and make it more interesting. Also re-making films allows them to attempt to make money from it. 

Can you see any patterns or trends in films of the last 5 years?

There are trends or patterns in films- these patterns are very obvious. Such as post apocalyptic films.